Thursday, 17 February 2011

Creating a Glass/ Bowl in 3D

In class we worked on using perimatives and other techniques. So from my knowleage and some advice could create a bowl using 3D max. I started by drawing half the shape of the bowl using the line tool.

 After I drew half the shape I wanted I was able to move the werticts of the drawing and the curves to make it more presentable. Once I had ultered it, I used the "Lathe" technique to make the image a 3D object.

Below is a image of the drawing after the "Lathe" technique was added, you can see the segments on the object.

This image to the right shows the final object in all four persectives and I created a hollow inside to the bowl to make it more 3D.

Building Lego Block

The following images is off how I created a lego block with the use of perimitves. I found it really interesting to do and learnd how to use the "Boolean" technique and the "Extrude" tool. The measurements of the box was, 10L, 5W and 3H. The three circles created on top of the box had a radius of 0.5mm and were combined together to creat the lego block, with a hollow bottom to it.
Below are some images of how I created the lego block.

This image to the right is of the main box and the three circles palced above the box to form the shape of the lego block.  

To the right is a image of the block with all the shapes combined together and from the top right image, it can bee seen theat all the circles are

The image below is a shot of the block from below. It isnt the final image but the step before the final completion of the 3D object.

Mobile Phone Tutorial

The first tutorial that I tried after the human structure one was this mobile phone one. I found it quite easy to do, and enjoyed creating it.  I learnt alot of new techiques that I wil use when creating anything in 3d Max.